Masla is the 242,956th most common family name worldwide. It occurs more frequently in The Philippines than in any other country/territory. To the masla is a phrase that means to heap insults on someone. It is similar to the English expression “go get stuffed.” The masla can also refer to tea.
Masla is a feminine given name. It is derived from the Old Irish word msla, msladh (“insult, opprobrium”). In numerology, the name Masla has the number 1. People with this number have a strong sense of self-reliance and are independent of others’ opinions. They are confident in their abilities and often seek challenges that test them. They are natural leaders and possess boundless energy and ambition. They should trust their instincts and follow their hearts. The Urdu language translation for this name is “hot water”.
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Masla derives from Old Irish masladh (“insult, opprobrium, disgrace”). It is cognate with Scottish Gaelic maschladh. Its meaning has also been influenced by Middle Irish msladh (“blackguard, black-mouth”). The surname Masla is found more often in The Philippines than any other country or territory. It is most frequent in Soccsksargen, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and Zamboanga Peninsula. It is the 242,956th most common surname worldwide. It is held by 1 in 68,636 people. This last name is the only one whose occurrence in The Philippines exceeds its global average. (Source: Genographic Project) To the masla is a colloquial expression that can be used to add insult to injury in a heated argument.
Those with Masla in their name are natural leaders with a fierce independence and unique perspective. They want to push boundaries and challenge the status quo, and they are always seeking new ways to get things done. Their confidence and boundless energy make them a force to be reckoned with, but they can also be a little overbearing at times. They need to learn to balance their ambition with their need to be loved and accepted by others.
Those who have the name Masla are very sensitive and emotional, and they can be a little overly sentimental at times. They have the potential to create a life filled with love, comfort, and security. By surrounding themselves with positive energy and pursuing their passions, they can achieve the peace and harmony they seek.
Masla is a very versatile name with many different meanings. The name is also related to several different cultures and languages. To see the full meaning of Masla, you can visit our Masla Meanings page. For other names with similar meanings, you can also try our Baby Name Generator.
You can also record the pronunciation of Masla and listen to it multiple times. If you have any questions about the meaning of this name, feel free to contact us. We would love to help you. Also, don’t forget to share this page with your friends! It’s easy to do – just click the social media buttons on this page. And if you have any other fun names, you can add them to our list of cool names.